Thursday, May 20, 2010

Why you should read 'Kevin'.

The list author says:
"The story depicts 'contemporary history' if you will. What life was like for the young adults making decisions in the late 1970's and following through to the 21st century where priorities, ethical concerns and eventually being true to one's self completes the circle...."

Thursday, May 13, 2010

'Kevin' ranked 6 behind Jamie Oliver in Japan

Well I am definitely in 'writing mode' but I must not neglect 'Kevin'. Following up, continuing to communicate with 'those who have become my friends....' etc. etc.

Today, I came across this and I found it interesting. And possibly encouraging.

No. 421 ranking of the sellers

Jamie Oliver P43 売れ筋ランキング|PLAYTABLE - [ Translate this page ]

¥1578 ¥1672 (税込) 今なら送料無料!!※一部商品除く · 商品詳細へ. 平均評価. star rating.

No. 428 ranking of the sellers

Kevin My Military Man の関連商品 ... - Cached